19 research outputs found

    The real-time multiparametric network of Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius

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    Volcanic processes operate over a wide range of time scale that requires different instruments and techniques to be monitored. The best approach to survey a volcanic unrest is to jointly monitor all the geophysical quantities that could vary before an eruption. The monitoring techniques are sometimes peculiar for each volcano, which has its own behavior. The simultaneous investigation of all the geophysical and geochemical parameters improves the sensibility and the understanding of any variation in the volcanic system. The Osservatorio Vesuviano is the INGV division charged of the Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius monitoring, two of the highest risk volcanic complexes in the world due to the large number of people living on or close to them. Each of them have peculiarities that increase the monitoring challenge: Campi Flegrei has high anthropic noise due to people living within its numerous craters; Vesuvius has a sharp topography that complicates the data transmission and analysis. The real time monitoring of the two areas involves several geophysical fields and the data are transmitted by a wide data-communication wired or radio infrastructure to the Monitoring Centre of Osservatorio Vesuviano: - The seismic network counts of 20 station sites in Campi Flegrei and 23 in Vesuvius equipped with velocimetric, accelerometric and infrasonic sensors. Some of them are borehole stations. - The GPS network counts of 25 stations operating at Campi Flegrei caldera and 9 stations at Vesuvius volcano. All the procedures for remote stations managing (raw data downloading, data quality control and data processing) take place automatically and the computed data are shown in the Monitoring Centre. - The mareographic network counts of 4 stations in the Campi Flegrei caldera coast and 3 close to the Vesuvius that transmit to the Monitoring Centre where the data are elaborated. - The tiltmetric network consist of 10 stations distributed around Pozzuoli harbor, the area of maximum ground uplift of Campi Flegrei, evidenced since 2005, and 7 stations distributed around the Vesuvius crater. Each tiltmetric station is also equipped with a temperature and magnetic sensor. The signals recorded are sent to the Monitoring Centre. - The 4 marine multiparametric stations installed in the Pozzuoli gulf send accelerometric, broad band, hydrophonic and GPS data to the Monitoring Centre. - The geochemical network counts of 4 multiparametric stations in the fumarolic areas of Campi Flegrei and 2 stations in the Vesuvius crater (rim and bottom) with data transmission to the Monitoring Centre. They collect soil CO2 flux, temperature gradient and environmental and meteorological parameters and transmit them directly to the Monitoring Centre. - The permanent thermal infrared surveillance network (TIRNet) is composed of 6 stations distributed among Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius. The stations acquire IR scenes at night-time of highly diffuse degassing areas. IR data are processed by an automated system of IR analysis and the temperatures values are sent to the Monitoring CentrePublishedVienna, Austria1IT. Reti di monitoraggio e sorveglianz

    The genomics of heart failure: design and rationale of the HERMES consortium

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    Aims: The HERMES (HEart failure Molecular Epidemiology for Therapeutic targetS) consortium aims to identify the genomic and molecular basis of heart failure. Methods and results: The consortium currently includes 51 studies from 11 countries, including 68 157 heart failure cases and 949 888 controls, with data on heart failure events and prognosis. All studies collected biological samples and performed genome‐wide genotyping of common genetic variants. The enrolment of subjects into participating studies ranged from 1948 to the present day, and the median follow‐up following heart failure diagnosis ranged from 2 to 116 months. Forty‐nine of 51 individual studies enrolled participants of both sexes; in these studies, participants with heart failure were predominantly male (34–90%). The mean age at diagnosis or ascertainment across all studies ranged from 54 to 84 years. Based on the aggregate sample, we estimated 80% power to genetic variant associations with risk of heart failure with an odds ratio of ≄1.10 for common variants (allele frequency ≄ 0.05) and ≄1.20 for low‐frequency variants (allele frequency 0.01–0.05) at P < 5 × 10−8 under an additive genetic model. Conclusions: HERMES is a global collaboration aiming to (i) identify the genetic determinants of heart failure; (ii) generate insights into the causal pathways leading to heart failure and enable genetic approaches to target prioritization; and (iii) develop genomic tools for disease stratification and risk prediction

    The genomics of heart failure: design and rationale of the HERMES consortium

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    Aims The HERMES (HEart failure Molecular Epidemiology for Therapeutic targets) consortium aims to identify the genomic and molecular basis of heart failure.Methods and results The consortium currently includes 51 studies from 11 countries, including 68 157 heart failure cases and 949 888 controls, with data on heart failure events and prognosis. All studies collected biological samples and performed genome-wide genotyping of common genetic variants. The enrolment of subjects into participating studies ranged from 1948 to the present day, and the median follow-up following heart failure diagnosis ranged from 2 to 116 months. Forty-nine of 51 individual studies enrolled participants of both sexes; in these studies, participants with heart failure were predominantly male (34-90%). The mean age at diagnosis or ascertainment across all studies ranged from 54 to 84 years. Based on the aggregate sample, we estimated 80% power to genetic variant associations with risk of heart failure with an odds ratio of >1.10 for common variants (allele frequency > 0.05) and >1.20 for low-frequency variants (allele frequency 0.01-0.05) at P Conclusions HERMES is a global collaboration aiming to (i) identify the genetic determinants of heart failure; (ii) generate insights into the causal pathways leading to heart failure and enable genetic approaches to target prioritization; and (iii) develop genomic tools for disease stratification and risk prediction.</p

    Novel hydrogen- and halogen-bonding anion receptors based on 3-iodopyridinium units

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    Novel tripodal 3-iodopyridinium-based receptors were investigated through (i) UV-vis and NMR titrations with anions in solution, (ii) theoretical calculations, and (iii) X-ray diffraction studies. Their anion binding properties were compared to those of the monobranched model and/or non-halogenated model systems. Investigations in acetonitrile pointed out that the iodine atom in the meta position to pyridinium enhances anion affinity. According to computational studies, this effect seemed to depend on the electron-withdrawing nature of the iodine-substituents. Notably, 1 : 1 adducts were observed to form in solution with all the investigated anions. The strong de-shielding effect observed on the receptors' protons upon anion binding indicated their participation in hydrogen-bonds with the coordinated anion. This result was supported by theoretical calculations and, in the solid state, by X-ray diffraction studies on the complexes with nitrate and bromide. In the crystalline state, the pyridinium arms of the tripodal receptor assume a "2-up, 1-down" conformation. Both nitrate and bromide anions are included in the receptor's cavity, forming two hydrogen-bonding interactions with the protons of the "2-up" arms, and one halogen-bonding interaction with the C-I group of a second molecular cation. The combination of hydrogen and halogen bonds leads to supramolecular chains in the crystals

    Axillary Management in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Upfront Surgery: Results from a Nationwide Survey on Behalf of the Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Group (COBCG) and the Breast Cancer Study Group of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO)

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    Background: We assessed the current practice concerning the axillary management of breast cancer (BC) patients undergoing upfront surgery among radiation oncologists (ROs) practising in Italy. Methods: An online survey via SurveyMonkey (including 21 questions) was distributed amongst ROs in Italy through personal contacts and the Italian Association for Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO) network from August to September 2022. We particularly focused on the emerging omission of axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in the presence of 1–2 sentinel node-positive patients and the consequent change in the role of regional nodal irradiation (RNI). Results: A total of 101/195 (51% response rate) Italian Radiotherapy Cancer Care Centres answered the survey. With respect to patients with 1–2 sentinel node-positive, the relative proportion of respondents that offer patients ALND a) always, b) only in selected cases, and c) never was 37.6%, 60.4%, and 2.0%, respectively, with no significant geographical (North vs. Centre–South Italy; p = 0.92) or institutional (Academic vs. non-Academic; p = 0.49) differences. Radiation therapy indications varied widely in patients who did not undergo ALND. Among these, about a third of the respondents (17/56, 30.4%) stated that RNI was constantly performed. On the other hand, half of the respondents offered RNI in selected cases, stating that an unfavourable biologic tumour profile and extracapsular nodal extension were considered drivers of their decision. Conclusions: Results of the present survey show the variability of axillary management offered in clinical practice for BC patients undergoing conserving surgery upfront in Italy. Analysis of these attitudes may trigger the modification of some clinical approaches through multidisciplinary collaboration and create the background for future clinical investigations

    Sauver son ùme et se perpétuer

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    Le quatriĂšme et dernier volet de l’enquĂȘte collective sur les « Transferts patrimoniaux en Europe occidentale durant le haut Moyen Âge » (1999-2002) prend pour objet les actes relatifs Ă  la transmission du mĂ©moire et Ă  la mĂ©moire, c’est-Ă -dire toute la documentation qui se rapporte de prĂšs ou de loin Ă  la pratique testamentaire ou para-testamentaire. De la Francie occidentale Ă  l’Italie mĂ©ridionale et de la Germanie Ă  l’Espagne chrĂ©tienne sont abordĂ©es les questions de forme et de droit (le devenir du testament Ă  la romaine et les modes rĂ©gionaux de dĂ©cliner la donation pro anima), la maniĂšre d’organiser sa propre commĂ©moration au moment du dĂ©cĂšs et dans le temps long du souvenir, le sort des patrimoines que l’on ne cesse de reconstituer. L’Église fut-elle le fossoyeur du testament ? Toute donation s’inscrit-elle dans un circuit de l’échange ? Comment peut-on rĂ©soudre la tension entre le dĂ©sir du salut, qui mĂšne Ă  exclure la famille naturelle de la transmission de ses biens, et celui de la perpĂ©tuation biologique et patrimoniale ? Comment interprĂ©ter le rĂŽle des femmes dans la prise en charge de la mĂ©moire ? Jusqu’à quel point les pratiques testamentaires sont-elles socialement rĂ©servĂ©es ? Autant de questions auxquelles le prĂ©sent volume fournit des rĂ©ponses rĂ©gionalement diffĂ©renciĂ©es

    Architettura & Ordinariet\ue0

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    Questo volume vuole porre l\u2019attenzione su quanto ci\uf2 che normalmente viene definito \u201cordinario\u201d sia oggi - pi\uf9 che mai - un tema centrale in architettura. Attraverso una raccolta di testi che ne restituiscono le differenti accezioni, si vuole riflettere su come l\u2019ordinariet\ue0 sia la base del quotidiano e come l\u2019architettura, priva di velleit\ue0 pubblicistiche, possa trovare i termini per dialogare con quel magma edilizio, apparentemente indistinto, che compone le nostre citt\ue0. Le riviste di settore, i testi critici e i siti internet specializzati propongono architetture che sono argomento di discussione per pochi addetti ai lavori e rimangono lontane dall\u2019immaginario collettivo. Nell\u2019estetica comune c\u2019\ue8 \u201cun\u2019altra architettura\u201d, supportata dai media di massa e nel caso italiano anche dalla normativa: un edificio \ue8 percepito come bello quando si rif\ue0 ad un finto vernacolare o ad un freddo pseudominimalismo. Confrontarsi con questa immodificabile tendenza significa prendere coscienza progettuale dell\u2019ordinario e della cultura materiale che ci circonda, dove casa ed accessori banali sono per l\u2019uomo comune rappresentazione del conformismo estetico che assurge alla de nizione di una vita normale. Tuttavia, l\u2019aspirazione per lo straordinario e per l\u2019eccezionale, incalzata dai media, ha allontanato i progettisti dalla cura dello spazio ordinario, inteso tale per diffusione, funzione, comprensibilit\ue0 e valore economico. Altre regole estranee all\u2019architettura si sono impossessate di esso, spesso producendo all\u2019estremo \uabjunkspace\ubb: uno spazio generico in quanto privo di identit\ue0, tanto adattabile quanto materialmente inconsistente, generatore di entropia. La sfida verso lo spazio ordinario significa anche riuscire a governare regole estranee all\u2019architettura, nel tentativo di arginare episodi ordinari di cortocircuito. La ricerca in architettura si presta in tal senso: in chiave metodologica l\u2019ordinario diventa uno dei pi\uf9 interessanti oggetti di ricerca, in quanto \u201cpi\uf9 comune\u201d e quindi statisticamente rilevante. L\u2019ordinario con le sue differenti accezioni si offre come esegesi per comprendere l\u2019ambiente in cui viviamo e strumento per operare su esso